Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Its business time....

500 of these bad boys should be arriving in the post by December the 20th.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

So Whistler got a bit of snow last night.

So yep, up on the mountain it snowed around 48 cm's in 24 hours. Unfortunately due to the fact that I have had a kidney infection(I am all good, on meds, now much better) and that Kerri is now getting pretty massive(only a month til the due date...WHOA), it will not be possible for either of us to get up on the mountain to enjoy all the pow(I am pretty darn choked about this!!!!). However, here are a few snowy pics from around our place in Alpine this morning when me and Thurso went out for her morning P's. Although we can't snowboard, no matter what, winter is still our favourite season, snow just makes everything look better! Hopefully next month we will have photos of family Millan on here with even more snow surrounding us!!!!!

Our place.
Down Fissile
Up Fissile
Thurso loving life off the lead after poopin' up a storm....
The big goof never sits upright when there is a camera present! Will get a better shot of her soon I hope!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Autumn Wander: The Hemloft

We took a little wander into the forest and came across a tree-house ... here are some pics! If you have not already heard about The Hemloft..... I will not try to explain how it came about, check out the website at, it will tell a bit more than I can. Enjoy.


Rhianna was a bit scared on the entry walkway. ha ha.
Stick a snowboard on her feet, she will jump off a cliff,
walk the plank to the Hemloft....petrified. It was pretty entertaining.

Everyone watching out for Mummy(Mommy).

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The day to day routine continues....

Forest wandering...
Stoked on the way to see Sumac!(Take note: Snow on the mountains in the background.)
Thurso and Sumac unite once again(like every other day....)
Sumac sits for Kerri(who fills her snowboard jacket)
Thurso gets cheeky and playful in the knowledge that its almost home time again!
Rascal Thurso....
Sumac Lovin'

Obedience on lead....Cheek off lead.... somes them both up really! Great pooches!!!!

Friday, 19 October 2012

New House..... New Car.....

New House..... New Car..... All in preparation for January!!!!

Today, the landlord had 2 trees removed from the front of our house, making our place way more photogenic..... and of course, here are some photos of our new(second hand) car, a AWD Subaru Forester S. If you look closely, you will see Thurso peeking out at me through our front window wondering what the hell I am doing! We shall make the effort to take a few amazing photos of Kerri and her forever growing/awesome bump and be sure to post them up here soon!

Hopefully the next pictures will have some snow in them!!!!


Our new home on Fissile Lane in Alpine, Whistler.

Peek a boo
New car in front of new house, they look good together.

Our suites front entrance.
Landlord suites front entrance.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Monday, 30 July 2012

Thurso and little puppy Beaushka

We met a couple in the village looking to go for a Peak 2 Peak ride on a hot summer day and were in desperate need of a puppy sitter for the afternoon. So, Kerri and I  politely accepted, a cool little pooch, only 5 months old, he pee'd freaking everywhere, but that's OK, he was in Thurso's house, we're just glad he didn't poop himself! Good times.